Sunday 27 May 2012


The sun is out and many of us are thinking of going on holiday, Everyone at Affordable Law For You wants you to have a really great time, but in the event that you are a little unlucky and have an accident whilst on holiday do you know what to do to bring a successful claim when you return home.

Well here are some basic tips:-

1. Make sure that you inform your holiday representative, your tour operator and your travel agent of the circumstances of the accident.

2. Write down as full a description of what happened and where it happened.

3. Take photographs (remember you can use the camera on your mobile phone)

4. If it is car accident, you must the inform the police, remember to take a note of the name and number of the Police Officer you speak to and if possible get a copy of the report.

5. Keep all your receipts and records in respect of treatment, prescriptions, travel expenses, cost of damaged clothing etc

6. Remember you normally have three years in which to bring a claim, but you do need check the time limits as they many differ in other countries.

We hope you have a happy and safe holiday

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