Thursday, 8 November 2012


Many of you will be going away for your Christmas holidays  this year so what can you do if you suffer as a result of food poisoning.   If you are on  package holiday then the The Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992.  If the food provided is sub-standard or food hygiene inadequate and you believe you have suffered food poisoning as a result of hotel food you will need to prove that the contaminated food came from the hotel.   If you can do this you may be able to argue that the organisers of your package holiday have breached their contract.

If u think you have contracted food poisoning at your hotel this Christmas you should see a doctor for a diagnosis immediately if you do see a doctor ask him to provide you with a medical report and keep any receipts in respect of medical expenses incurred by you.  

Having reported that you have contracted food poisoning to your holiday representative make sure you obtain written confirmation from them of your report also report your illness to hotel staff, and make a note of the name of the person you make the report to.   If other holidaymakers also suffer from food poisoining make sure that you get a note of their names and names, addresses and phone numbers .

If you can, get photographic/camcorder evidence/even evidence on your mobile phone recorder of unhygienic practices  i.e.   food with flies on it, dirty surrounding area etc this will of course help and just be extra cautious make a list of everything you have eaten in the last 48 hours before the attack

As soon as you get home from your holidays visit your own GP and give him/her a copy of the paperwork provided by the medical staff of the country that treated you.

Food poisoning can be very severe and have long term or even permanent effects.  If you need  any help or are thinking of bringing a claim please feel free to  contact us at

The information herewith gives general guidance. It should not be regarded or relied upon as a complete or authoritative statement of the law or treated as a substitute for specific legal advice concerning individual situations


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